Thursday, February 12, 2015

Education Requirements

As I began my conquest into researching about my career, becoming a police officer, I discovered something quite interesting. To be a police officer one essentially does not even have to attend college. Mind blowing right? Education requirements range from a high school diploma to a college, or higher, degree. It is common for agencies to require only a high school diploma/GED and for one to graduate from their agency's academy before completing a period of on-the-job training. Then proceed to be placed out into the field as a badged police officer.

Although it is not required at any of my local police departments/agencies, many agencies and some police departments require some college coursework or a college degree. Receiving college education in criminology immensely increases ones chances of landing a job at the department/agency of choice. Criminology is the scientific study of crime as a social phenomenon, of criminals, and of penal treatment. A clearer version of that definition would read the study of crime and criminals. 

The top five Criminal Justice schools read as the following: University of Maryland College Park, University of Albany SUNY, University of Cincinnati, University of Missouri St Louis, and Pennsylvania State University University Park.